Tag: archery championship

Jyothi Surekha and Ojas Deotale Clinch Historic Victory in Compound Mixed Team Event

-News18 Indian archers Jyothi Surekha Vennam and Ojas Deotale won the gold medal of the compound mixed team event of Asian Games after beating...

Archer Abhishek: Journey to Silver Victory and the Quest for Gold

In an electrifying performance, Abhishek Verma has etched his name in glory, securing his spot in the Men's Individual Compound Final with a stunning...

India Strikes Gold in Men’s and Women’s Compound Team Events at Archery World Cup 2023 Paris

-Olympics The Indian men’s and women’s compound teams won gold medals at the Archery World Cup 2023 stage 4 in Paris, France, on Saturday. India’s...

Aditi Swami and Ojas Deotale Win Compound World Titles at World Archery Championships 2023

At the World Archery Championships 2023 in Berlin, Germany, on Saturday, Aditi Gopichand Swami of India and Ojas Pravin Deotale of India took home...

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