On Tuesday, India finished its World University Games (WUG) campaign with its best-ever showing, taking home a record-breaking 26 medals, including 11 gold.
India had their best-ever medal count, placing seventh overall with 11 gold, 5 silver, and 10 bronze.
The number of medals earned in this edition surpasses the nation’s entire haul from previous WUG competitions. Just 21 medals, including 6 gold, 6 silver, and 9 bronze, have been won by India prior to the 2023 World University Games.
India fielded 256 athletes to the WUG this time. The greatest group of Indian track and field athletes, however, only garnered four bronze medals among their 82 competitors.
With 8 gold, 4 silver, and 2 bronze medals, the 21-person shooting team outperformed the archers, who took home 3 gold, 1 silver, and 3 bronze. Judo won one bronze medal.
With a staggering 178 medals (103 gold, 40 silver, 35 bronze), host China came out on top, followed by Japan (21 gold, 29 silver, 43 bronze), and Korea (17 gold, 18 silver, 23 bronze).
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